Friday, August 31, 2012

No Pain, No Gain

WHEW!  What a week!  I know that's how I started my last post, but this week has been a doozie too.  Little Sister is in the throes of teething and it ain't pretty.  Her bottom incisors are coming in and those razor sharp little peggies are giving her a fit!  I'm so distressed because until these recent episodes, Little Sister has shown remarkable resiliency, even when faced with uncomfortable situations.  She rarely cries or complains, except when she's hungry or left alone in her crib (and we all know what that's about).  So, it has been very difficult to see her suffer and be so miserable because of the teething.

With these new teeth coming in, she'll have sprouted eight teeth in under 10 months.  At this rate, she will be the newest patient of Auntie Robin at Astoria Dentistry any day now.  When I called her pediatrician for advice, his sage wisdom was that there is not a lot that can be done, I just have to "ride it out."  I wonder if "ride it out" is an official CPT code.  Of course I've tried all the tried and true measures...Tylenol, cold teething rings, and cold washcloths, but all provided very temporary relief.  It seems as if the good doctor is right...time will take care of this situation.  I have had friends share interesting home remedies, including using catnip, writing the baby's name on an egg, putting turpentine on her foot, etc...  Now what did Arsenio used to say?  "Things that make you go hmmmm..."  It may have worked back in the olden days, but I think I'll pass on writing her name on anything and stapling it over her door.

But, now I have become a big advocate of the Tooth Fairy.  I wholeheartedly agree, kids do deserve a little something when their teeth fall out after going through all this grief and strife when they're coming in.  :-)  But, in the meantime, I guess we'll have to ride it out as I'm sure we'll have to do as she experiences all the different stages of growing pains.

What advice do you moms and dads have out there to relieve teething discomfort?


  1. Heeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyy.... Hehe did u see if they had oral-b for babIes? or check out this site, they had a few suggestions

  2. Awww that's the worst! Yes, unfortunately time is the best cure. My daughter loved nibbling on my fingers while teething so I always made sure my hands were clean and I'd rub her gums. It seemed to help. Her grandmother also purchased an amber teething necklace. No sure how much it helped but she wore it the entire time those teeth were cutting in.
