Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Circle of Life ~ 8.20.11

Hi peeps,
This Saturday morning finds me in Miami preparing to attend my grandmother's funeral.  Some were concerned about me flying and others were concerned about me attending the funeral while pregnant, but there was no way that I would miss my saying good-bye to her.  Last night I had the chance to reconnect with so many family members that I haven't seen in years.  I truly feel like Skip! because everyone greets me with a loving bellyrub.  :-)  I am the last grand to FINALLY have my own little one and the mere fact that I'm pregnant falls into the category of "most unlikely of events to happen - like getting struck by lightning or winning the lottery," so after the sheer amazement is expressed, everyone is so happy for me. 
At today's service, The Blackbirds (the 8 grandkids) will stand up to reflect on what Grandma has taught us.  My grandmother wasn't one for deep philosophical discussions, she led by example.  What she gave to me was a love of family.  Long after she had raised her kids, she lovingly and willingly raised her sister's infant after her sister passed and her twin brother's daughter after her mother passed in childbirth.  In addition to taking on the rearing of these two babies, my grandmother was a strong presence in the lives of all the kids who were left behind after these tragedies.  As I now prepare to become a mother, I can now fully appreciate the significance of my grandmother's life.  She never said to us that we must "have each other's back," but her actions instilled that in each and every one of us.  Many thanked my mom and uncles for "sharing their mother" but I know that Grandma wouldn't have had it any other way.  So as we prepare to say good-bye today, I know that she is in heaven smiling down on us all for continuing to have each other's back.  And although Little Sister won't be here for another few months (12 weeks to be exact), I rest easy knowing that she is being born into a family that will ALWAYS have her back.  And that's the most important thing in life.  We love you, Mommy and will miss you dearly.
I hope everybody is having a blessed Saturday and remember, LOVE ONE ANOTHER!
Tshombe, Little Sister & Skip!

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