Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sweet Sixteen ~ 5.19.11

Hi Peeps!

I missed my weekly update last week because I was on the verge of sharing BIG news, but I wasn't at liberty to share just yet.  So, I held off in sending my weekly missive because I knew that I'd be too tempted to tell if I wrote. 

So anyway, later on that; first let me tell you what's going on with Little Sister.  :-)  Well, The Baby is rockin' and rollin' along into week #16.  Most importantly, I received the results from my first trimester testing.  The risk for Down syndrome for a woman of my age is 1 in 25.  Based on my test results, the risk of Little Sister having this is 1 in 130!  Also, the general pregnancy population risk for a trisomy defect is 1 in 100; based on my test results, the risk of Little Sister having this is 1 in 10,000!  God is good!  THANK YOU all for praying for the baby's good health.  So, my doc feels an amnio is unnecessary, so I won't be taking the risk of doing this procedure.

I think I've felt The Baby kick once or twice.  It was a very quick, but distinct, tap coming from the inside.  It wasn't gas or a cramp, it was someone knocking from the inside saying, "HEY!"  :-)  I haven't felt it since, but I've read that the baby's movement will become much more noticeable in the coming weeks.  Other than that, things have been uneventful...as long as I DO NOT get hungry.  Once I get hungry, it's a whole 'nother story.  Most of you know that when I get hungry, I can get a little grumpy (understatement), but The Baby takes it to a new level.  Now I don't get grumpy, I just hurl without warning.  So, all your advice about keeping saltines close-by has been heeded closely. 

I finally announced that I'm pregnant using the world's best grapevine...Facebook!  The response and love that I received was phenomenal!  My MCC friends were sooooo excited for me.  Mommy said, "Good Lord, do you know all these people?"  :-)  Although I know that everything happens for a reason, I wish I was living in Tampa while going through this because that's where my biggest support system is.  That's not to say that I don't have phenomenal friends here, but I just don't have as many.  My friends here have indulged my selective laziness when I say I don't want to do something because, "I'm pregnant."  I'm enjoying being chauffeured around town.  :-)  THANKS RS!

Some of you guys has asked me about a baby shower and whether I'll be coming to Tampa.  Given the new job, it is highly doubtful that I'll be coming to Tampa any time soon.  Obviously I have to save every available hour of time off for my maternity leave.  So, the shower will be in Atlanta, probably in late September/early October, and you're invited!!  Of course Carmen Jones is on the j-o-b and is coordinating from afar.  I just haven't given it much thought with all that's going on with the new job (and I'm moving to a new apartment on July 1), but I will firm up some plans soon since most of you will have to make travel plans if you want to attend.  Also, everyone I'm writing is someone who is very near and dear to my heart.  If you want to come up to ATL at anytime over the summer, mi casa es su casa.  I'll soon be leaving the swanky highrise (I'll soon have daycare bills to pay), but the new place is just as nice and you will still get a good old fashioned Skip welcome to my home.  :-)

So, I think I've rattled on and on enough for now.  :-)  I can't thank you enough for the friendship, love, well wishes and prayers.  I'm so lucky to have you all in my life and so is Little Sister.


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